sometimes it's really great to just get away for a bit. colorado in the summer is a bit of break for us all, and we try to do as little as possible except sleep, eat, and hike just a little. it's completely wonderful.

(left to right - walking the yellow brick road, palm trees in colby, carson county carousel)

(the view from our cabin's front porch in estes park, card games at night, sketching by the fire)

(hiking around lily lake in rocky mountain national park with the cousins)

(Glen Eyrie -the castle in colorado springs, and the room I stayed in!)

(the swings at the Glen, castle terrace, awesome german deli in the springs)

(old colorado city, the damage from the fire, sketching on the grounds)

(our favorite coffee shop in the springs, more damage from the fire, hiking up to watch the sunset)
and now we're back to reality. the drive home was not uneventful, but we made it so that's all that matters. =)