26 December 2011

christmas time was here. raincheck on snowflakes in the air.

this christmas was really terrific. I don't know what next christmas will look like, but I have a feeling it will be a little different so I'm pretty thankful for all this one was. I've been living in the moment a little too much and haven't been taking as many pictures of what we're doing, but I think that may be perfectly fine, and here are a few of the photos we did get of the highlights.

skating at crown center

andre's goodies!
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christmas trees

and hot cocoa while we watch christmas movies
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packaging things pretty
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christmas eve at grandma and grandpa's house
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adorable puppies and our christmas tree on christmas eve
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having chloe around for a couple days
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everybody unwrapping on christmas day

beautiful christmas loot
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and with that I'll leave you with two of my favorite sleeping at last christmas-y songs.

I hope you all had a very merry christmas!


  1. this was such a fun post! I love that little red suitcase in your beautiful loot! :)

  2. Love the puppy picture!! Follow me?(:
