21 October 2012

creative endeavors.

this is the latest project I did for painting, and it's a superflat self-portrait.
I definitely had a love-hate relationship with it. I enjoyed it quite a bit for a while. then it became pretty tedious and time-consuming, but I still can say I liked the project. even if none of the work I do right now seems to turn out quite like I'd expected, I could say the unpredictable nature is part of the fun, and maybe I'll just leave it at that haha.

I loved it at this stage and kinda want to revisit this idea at some other time just incorporating elements like this.
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(the colors are just a little off so you can't quite tell, but the hair is purple.)

07 October 2012

creative endeavors plus some.

I'm currently waiting for paint to dry. rather than watching it, because I feel like it's been established that's a bit boring, I'm finally posting again! people are gonna get excited. I just know it.

a couple things that have been a little awesome lately:

we went to the plaza art fair a couple weekends ago and that made for some awesome people watching, as usual.
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there was some pretty interesting art too.

I played art teacher to some 5-7 year olds for four weeks, along with another awesome lady. it ended last monday and here are some adorable thank you notes I got from the deal.
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these are some postcards I've sent lately. I'm trying to get more colorful with them, and I just love my paint markers.
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and here we have some projects I've been working on for painting. unfortunately I have basically none of my work from this class or ceramics with me, so I can't really share any of the final products. BUT these are some sneak peaks, and I'll share more when I can. I have not forgotten. =)
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that is all.