27 June 2012

creative endeavors.

here are the latest homework projects for life drawing. next up, the dreaded self-portraits. yikes.

the first is just feet, and the second is my abdomen with a combo of "my" skeletol and muscular structure and a little skin.
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here is the paper chain I made to count off the days till it's all over. it makes me happy. it's already shrunk a lot since I took this picture!

on an unrealated creative note, these prints were made by my mom when she was little. I'm loving them! (and proudly displaying them haha)
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16 June 2012

creative endeavors.

here are some shots of my first life drawing homework. drawing is not my fave so I'm glad there are just six weeks left of this. having said that, I think this turned out alright.

this is the coolest part about the textbook.

that's all.

14 June 2012

things that made my day.

June Fourth - the day I started, and promptly decided I hated, my life drawing class. fortunately that evening was super terrific thanks to my big bro alan and stephanie. we went to h&m, spin pizza, walked to FOO'S to eat the best frozen custard ever, and watched midnight in paris. clearly a wonderful night.
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June Eighth - I got to go to my first ever pow wow! seriously it did not disappoint. I'm hooked now. unfortunately, I forgot my camera and so I missed out on some amazing photo opportunities, but here are the awesome tapes that I have now so that I can listen to pow wow music whenever I want haha. (they sold tapes! how cool are they?)
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June Ninth - I got to go to a fashion show downtown. it was also tons of fun! I remembered my camera for this so there are tons of pictures, but I've tried to only post the highlights. =)
it also had a triple crown summer theme, so I got to wear a fancy hat. it was awesome.
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that's all folks.