18 December 2013

creative endeavors.

let me just start this by saying SWEET FREEDOM! I enjoyed this semester, but I am so glad to have some time away.


these are some of the paintings I finished the semester with.

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and here are the last few things I worked on in printmaking. the earth may look familiar because it's a reprint of an image from earlier in the semester. I reworked it a bit and I like it better now.
more importantly though, is my final print of the semester. I had a lot of fun with this one. I mean how can you go wrong with the moon, the best color of blue AND a silver star chart? it just makes me excited to get back to printing in january.

11 December 2013

back of the tree material.

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I can't seem to get enough of Christmas music, or lights, or trees, or movies right now. maybe it's because the season seems so short this year, but I'm currently psyched 99% of the time. it's a little out of control.
anyways, my family put up the tree last week, and we had this joke about some ornaments being back of the tree material - the ones with nice personalities you know. we just like to keep it real haha. seriously though, Christmas trees are the best.

14 November 2013

creative endeavors.

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my first go at photolitho. I'm lovin it. on a related note, I switched my BFA emphasis from painting to printmaking. in other words, I left the painters to join the mystical order of printmakers. I am pretty crazy excited.

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my paintings as of late. I'm obsessed with these colors. honestly, they're the greatest!

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a little souvenir from one of the best concerts ever.

21 October 2013

creative endeavors.

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just a little peek at some of the things I've been working on. this semester I seem to be exploring a lot of space and geography imagery.

20 October 2013

season of the tradition checklist.

time to break the blog silence I suppose.
in the past week we've made commendable progress on our extensive list of fall traditions, and we visited the Nelson again! (the grounds that is. we only had a tuesday to offer and the museum scoffs at tuesday goers and locks the doors. rude)

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we spent some quality time at the pumpkin patch eating hot dogs and roasted marshmallows, giant pickles, and whatnot. tasty cider slushies also happened. when sufficiently stuffed for the moment, we picked out our perfect pumpkins with our favorite little pumpkin, then grabbed many apples and headed home for massive amounts of homemade spaghetti and meatballs and cheesecake. naturally.


today, after massive amounts of barbecue etc. and more celebrating, we carved our perfect pumpkins. though some may say we got carried away with the space references on our moon pumpkin, I think it's total perfection. =) we even shared the joy of making stars in the pumpkin with a screwdriver. too much fun.

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14 August 2013

hit the road jack.

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started the month in colorado, and it was beyond amazing. just the right amount of sleeping and shenanigans, tasty food and camaraderie. every summer I think this trip can't be as great as the one before, but it always is.

05 August 2013


happy first birthday to my favorite little man and nephew! I love you to the moon and back!

23 July 2013


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went up to the big o this weekend and it was amazing. we ate and played, and ate and played, and ate and played, and watched a lot of mummy, and only suffered taco belly part of the time.
it was a summer road tripping, massive sugar eating, climbing everything kind of weekend.