well I am LONG overdue for a post and this is one I've wanted to do for a bit.
I am a huge, huge fan of the ocean. I don't think I could ever get tired of listening to the waves. I've been lucky enough to visit it a few times and that was enough to create a great, big fascination and love for it. I miss it like crazy.
I came across this on
little things and had to put together some of my favorite photos.
these are all of ocean city and cape may new jersey.
the boardwalk.
it's just so incredible.
this is from the first time I ever saw the ocean.
sunrise. this is the last time I saw the ocean. it was overcast, but beautiful still.
and this is actually the bay, but it was not far from the ocean and a beautiful spot too.
I really do miss it so much, but it also makes me so happy to look at the pictures. I have such fantastic memories.