31 January 2012


Nerman/Leo Villareal
January White by Sleeping At Last on Grooveshark

just thought I'd share this song before january was officially over. I love "sleeping at last," and I love this song and the way it approaches the beginning of the year. give it a listen.
and since we've had such nice weather and such a lack of snow, I offer this picture instead of something more "january white" looking. it's from a recent shoot for class, and it's one of my favorite parts of the place I volunteer.

29 January 2012

creative endeavors &/or weekend adventures.

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every once in a while shutterfly offers me free prints, and that's just an offer I don't like to ignore. this time I decided to just go through and pick some of my favorites, regardless of time and theme (mainly bright, colorful photos,) and this is the group I came up with. after seeing something similar on one of my favorite blogs, I knew this was what I wanted to do with the photos. pretty fun.

also, exciting thing to note: the new piece of artwork by Jeromy Morris right under it! how neat is it? way neat. (and the picture doesn't even do it justice)

p.s. my soon to be brother-in-law is pretty cool.

17 January 2012

things that make my day.

delicious hot cocoa and a new mystery. (it snowed that night, and that just added to the perfection)
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the cutest and sweetest munchkins there ever were. baking no less.

lots of wedding projects. (sometimes this makes my day, and sometimes not haha)
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in other news, I started school today and didn't hate that fact - weird. and on top of that, I'm kinda actually excited to get back to studio classes. forced creativity, I've missed you.

16 January 2012

creative endeavors.

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adventures with india ink and magazine scraps before christmas. I'm a fan.

10 January 2012

things that made my day.

here are some photos of a few fun things that have happened in the last week.

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1. a 24hr trip to omaha!
wheatfield's wedding cake
gilmore girls

2. fireplace goodness.

3. experimenting with white ink. (turns out there was a reason it was super cheap/on clearance)still fun.

4. unphotographed, eating killer puppy chow while watching a documentary about art and WWII.

01 January 2012

2011 highlights.

inspired by some year in review/highlights posts I've seen going around, I decided to go through my photos from 2011 and put together one of my own. I've got to be honest, I came up with a lot, and I didn't even include half of it, and I didn't even have photos of half of the great memories. I'm just always so amazed looking back on my year because I have it so good, guys. it's unreal how lucky I am.
I have no idea what the future holds, and I know it may not last, (and honestly it isn't all sunshine and rainbows) but when it really, really comes down to it, I've got it good.
so instead of going into details more in words, here is a slide show of just a few of my 2011 photographed highlights.

happy new years, friends!